Basically we wanted to see what carnival was like in another city besides Tilburg. We decided to go to Koln or Cologne because this place is supposed to be like the capital of carnival festivities... was it ever!! After eight of us took the train to Venlo which is just outside the border of Germany, we switched onto the German system for a relatively cheap group deal. It was so cool to notice the difference in landscape once we were inside Germany. First of all, I saw rolling hills for the first time in a month - in Holland, there are NONE. The arcitecture was slightly different as well. As we were chugging along, I couldn't help but think how five to six decades ago, this border area would have been so dangerous.
The first thing that greeted us when we stepped out of the Koln station was this MASSIVE cathedral! I have never seen a cathedral before in real life so this building absolutely blew me away! After consulting our Europe guidebook (nerdy I know) we realized that construction on this cathedral began in 1248!! Unbelievable. The parade just happened to be going on as we arrived so we tried to find some good spots to watch. The floats were hilarious and people were just EVERYWHERE! This parade was unlike anything I had ever experienced... first of all, they don't throw out those measly h

We indulged in some traditional food that day like bratworst and gluwein which is a hot red wine and really warms you up. Once we were able to get accross town we managed to find a warm tent to dance to some traditional German polka songs in. There was all ages in here from 7 to 77! Everybody was wearing kooky costumes (ourselves included! One of the most funny parts was when this giant pink rabbit started showing off his polka dance moves! We had the choice to either catch the 8:30pm train or the next one at 3 in the morning. By 8:00, we were all tired enough to go home and enjoyed the relaxing train ride back to Tilburg.

Hi Cheryl, It's Aunt Caroline!
Enjoyed reading your latest adventure. Boy, when you said you love chocolate you weren't joking, poor little girl! Love the pictures you add, sounds like all is going well.
We are thinking of you and keep you in our prayers.
Take care.
Love, Aunt Caroline
Hi Cheryl,
You seems to be having a great time,and seening to many differt places good for you. We love reading your stories, keep it up.Take care of yourself, you are in our thoughts and prayers here in Florida Love you Grandma and Grandpa
I would just like to say that the first comment was NOT me... Loretta made that comment when she was logged in under my name...
I wondered about that comment you claim was made by Loretta - she didn't spell "Duivesteyn" correctly! Love, Mom
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