Besides wooden shoes and tulips, the image that most often comes to mind when people think of the Netherlands is windmills of course. Well today I sure got a dosage of those! As part of a

Dutch culture assignment, my partner Melissa and I had to choose a famous landmark or museum to present about. After looking on the UN world heritage site
web page, we decided to head out to the
Kinderdijk where 19 historical windmills are located.
Melissa and I took a train to Utrecht where we boarded a regional bus that brought us to this small

town. The bus ride was over an hour and a half long but the sky was blue and the fields were green so it was a beautiful sightseeing ride. We were basically on a road that wound with the river so it was not the most stomach friendly ride. Besides our nationality Melissa and I also share a similar car sickness problem...
augh. We were able to reach our destination without any messy problems and right before our eyes was the beautiful sights of these windmills. As the historical plaques explained, these windmills were built throughout the mid-1700s as a way of reclaiming the land. Eight of the windmills were the largest in the world!

For our project, we were able to film some educational yet entertaining bits for the presentation. The blue sky just made everything seem so much more cheery and spectacular.

A couple of the windmills were actually turning which was more than we expected because of the off-season. In April, people can take a little boat cruise to view the windmills and visit the inside of one of them. From our view, it looked like people actually still lived in some of the windmills. There were lawn chairs set up,
knick-knacks in the windows and people coming in and out of them. I started to think what a sweet life that would be to just chill out in a windmill. Even though we had to visit this site in the off-season, we still had a memorable experience.
After our filming and picture-taking walk, we entered a nearby
souvenir shop/restaurant where

we had some delicious pancakes and conversation. Melissa goes to the business school at York university and we had a great time getting to know each other better. We've already decided that next fall, we will have to visit each other in our respective university towns.
So all in all it was a very productive day. Worked on a project and checked out another possible
destination for my parents to visit in May.
hey babe
looking good, i love you and i miss you talk to you later
love you
Hi Cheryl, I have forgotten how nice this little country looks.Grandpa had a dream last night about Blyswyk, he said he was there all night, Love Grandma and Grandpa xxxxxxoooooo
Hi Cheryl: What a beautiful spot! I am really excited about seeing you and the windmills in less than 2 months! Maybe even Grandma and Grandpa will go back to see Holland sometime soon...
Lots of love from your Mom - We miss you in Erin.
Hi Cheryl, It's great to see you in Holland on many of the places that are very familiar to us. From what we can read you seem to really enjoy the Dutch culture even although it is obviously different from Canada. Now you probably understand a little bit whether why we are "different" and more outspoken than many other people. We don't waste time beating arounf the bush. We just say it as it is. Have fun (and study a bit) and make sure that you try some authentic Indonesian food (Indische rijsttafel) while you're in Holland.
All the best from Acton.
Gert and Machteld
Hi Cheryl,
It's Aunt Caroline with nobody looking over my shoulder!
The pictures you include are beautiful. I must admit I have never really expressed any interest in learning about Holland but "travelling along" in your blog, puts a whole new perspective on it. Somehow, I just can't quite picture you "chillin" in a windmill kind-of-girl, you are just far too ambitious for that!
Take care.
Love, Aunt Caroline
(or should I start saying Tante!)
Hey Cheryl,
Great blog. Looking forward to seeing you this week and travelling together.
Hey dude... I like the windmills!! That is something my Mom and I might check out in Holland!
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