And here is an experience that I'm sure most of my family has been waiting for - my time in Bleiswijk: the town my Grandpa grew up in. As I said before, we (Loretta and I) went to Bleiswijk after Gouda. It was relatively close to Gouda but generally you say Bleiswijk is just outside of Rotterdam. We had to take a regional bus out to Bleiswijk because it's not big enough to house a train station.
By the time we arrived in Bleiswijk it was like the sky opened up for us.

Since Bleiswijk is a small town it didn't take us long to find the street - I was so excited that I was shaking.... I just couldn't beleive that I was walking on the same streeets that my grandpa played in over 50 years ago! Based on a photo from 1980, I knew I needed to find house number 25. It was a very small street so it didn't take long to reach 23... then 24.... and then... a pile of rubble and construction zone!!! WHAT?!? I was horrified! I just couldn't believe I had come all this way only to discover that my Grandpa's house no longer existed! How could I come back and share such news at the annual Duivesteyn picnic?!?
I saw a local neighbor outside and decided to ask for help. This really nice man told me that

At this point, the Dekorter man left and so I had to rely on my Dutch to communicate with the man who now lived in the house as he walked Loretta and I over to Koos's. I was told that Koos's wife had passed away just two years ago and he now lived on his own but with daughters close by. At the door, an elderly man in his late 80s was surprised to see two young guests. Koos didn't speak any English whatsoever but as a surprise to myself - I was able to explain who I was and all about my travels in Holland so far.
Koos was SOOO happy to meet us. He very graciously got us some juice and sat down on the couch with me as we looked through the old photos. There was a huge smile accross his face as

After our visit with Koos, we went back to the house to get some more photos. We followed the steeple through the trees and came to the Reformation Church that was also in my photos. We couldn't go inside at that time, but it was still amazing just to see it.
The couple living in the house now told me that the old mill that had once been managed by grandpa's Verhuel grandparents no longer existed - a supermarket is there instead. However, the name of the mill "de Volharding" can still be seen on a house right beside the old site of the mill. We made sure to check that out as well.

Hi Cheryl: I was really waiting for this story. You were right Ome Koos looks alot like my Dad (except older) and of course a lot like my Opa. I can't wait as well to see Bleiswijk. I don't know if I could be as brave to knock on doors like you did. My Dutch is much more limited than yours is now. It looks like such a neat town, I'm sure Mom and I will get a real taste of what Holland is like when we visit it. Dad
Don't worry dad - if you wanted to knock on the doors I would write down everything you need to say - also, I told the couple in the house that my parents would be coming in may so they could be prepared. They were extremely nice so it wouldn't be a problem
Wow, Bleiswijk! That must have been a lot of fun! Koos does remind me of Grandpa. Maybe this is a silly question, but what does "dreide zon van zijn oudste broer" mean? I'm afraid I don't know much more Dutch than a few odd words. All I can gather from this is "third something something brother?" but I may even be wrong about that. Although even that much is pretty self-explanatory, I guess...
Hoe gaat het met Cheryl,
What a great pictures from
bleiswyk, and looking at Oom Koos he does look like his brother, we are trilled that you knocked at their doors. the picture on the bridge is very nice keep up the good reports Het beste " Ik heb je lief" Grandma xxxxxoooooo
Hi Cheryl was that ever nice to see you sitting in front of the house were i was born. Did you know that all of us (11)were born inside that house.
Also very nice to see you on a picture with my uncle koos what a nice man he was, he set me up as pigeon racer.even donated the birds.
All explan the same in Dutch.
Dat was erg mooi om jou te zien on en photo voor het huis Al (11)waren geboren in dat huis En my oom Koos en jy ook on a photo.
Greetings and my love Grandpa Herman.
Grandpa!? I didn't know you raced pigeons? haha - you learn something new everyday!
Eric - to answer your question - what the translationg of that phrase means is 'third son of your oldest brother' i was explaing who my grandpa was to him
Hey Cheryl!! I am so glad I got to be apart of this day - its not very often that you get to be there when someone gets to see and truly understand where their family comes from! I honestly love your Uncle Koos and all this dutchness so much I think I want a dutch family to adopt me so that I can have that kind of heritage too! So good to be back in Canada, although I am missing you!! Updates soon I promise!
Love, Loretta
к нам свекровь жить приехала. вообще эта хитроумная дама давно сделала так, что бы к нам переехать. когда ее сын(мой муж) захотел взять ипотеку-она побежала, продала комнату свою в коммуналке и принесла ему деньги на первоначалный взнос. вот уже 2 года мы живем в ипотечной квар-ре и 2 года она просит меня (!) заставить мужа сделать починка. денег у нас мало-ей наплевать. а не так давно затеяли все-таки починка, так как я беременна. и свекровь незамедлительно поругалась со своим мужиком и прибежала к нам со своими монатками-вся такая несчастная. у меня большая тату на спине (крест) она цепляется к нему, охает ходит. говорит мне любую фигню (типа, "твоя кошка стала со мной спать, как я к вам переехала. ой, она меня так любииит", или же "как у вас грязно, нужно всё перемыть", а когда я в ответ "покажите, где грязно!" она: "да везде где только можно!" и уходит на кухню/в ванную/в туалет..
еще она бесконца обливается приторно-сладкими духами (она даже халат свой домашний обливает)! ей плевать, что меня тошнит! да она вся как колхозница-по телефону не говорит, а орет, надевает на себя ВСЕ свои украшения за раз, как циганка. я ее недолюбливаю. благоверный ей сказал, что будет снимать ей квартиру (пусть только выберет) за свой счет ессесно, но она заплакала "я хочу жить с вами" она меня выжить хочет
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I'm very glad that you said that???
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