This is one of the first times that I don't have some random trip to write about... but in all honestly I needed this relaxing week! I'm going to try an be that eternal optimist my dad is so good at being and say that in a way this whole 'passport losing' situation has been somewhat of a blessing in disguise; for two weeks I am grounded in the Netherlands which will force me to relax, catch up in school work, and limit my excursions within Holland. It's funny but even though I came here to see Holland most of my travelling has been to other European countries and there is still so much I want to see in Holland. It's just very unfortunate that this 'blessing in disguise' had to cost me about $400 Canadian (GRRRRR!!!) (The scene out of my window is becoming a lot greener!)
So basically Italy is no longer an option for my coming spring break due to the lack of passport and monetary funds but I will make the most of this week in the Netherlands. Loretta will be coming to stay with me next week and we'll probably get into our usual mischievous adventures. She has grown a special spot in her heart for this small country out of all her travels, it makes me proud!
Even though this week was very regular I certainly had those "Cheryl" moments. I learned that you should NOT pick daffodils from grassy public areas. An old man helped me learn this lesson the hard way. But one of my favorite parts of this week was going to church and practising my dutch with the nice elderly men after the service. Cheryl and I went across the road to one of the few non-catholic churches across the street and listened to an entire service in Dutch. Although we couldn't understand the service, we had some great small talk with the old men afterwards. They were more than happy to help us out. This Church had some free coffee and huge slices of apple cake afterwards too. At this point, I welcome any free food as this is a welcome change from the canned tuna and yogurt I lived off of for a few days while my budget was stretched!

On Tuesday we had our usual mentor group dinners and since I hadn't been able to go for the last few weeks, it was really nice to see everyone again. Throughout these next few days people will be leaving to either travel or see family during our week off... I think there will only be about 3 of us left on our floor! It will be a rather quiet Easter for me but a well-rested on nonetheless. Happy Easter everyone!
hahhaaa... I love that you are making Paolo cook a meal for Arthur - thats hilarious! I guess I might not get to see all these people in my time in Holland since lots of them will be home for the break and holidays! Fear not darling, we shall INDEED get up to our own mischef! Can't wait to get back to the Netherlands!
Hey Cheryl - What happened with the daffodils? Did you get yelled at? Did you run with the daffodils anyway? Let us know! We wish you a very special and blessed Easter, and we miss you very much. Lots of love from Mom and Dad xoxoxoxo
It makes me laugh that in order to get Arthur a birthday present without spending money, you offer to have someone ELSE cook him a meal, rather than making one for him yourself. Haha... let's hope Paolo is a good sport about getting Arthur an extra present while you get him nothing! By the way, don't try and pull that on me for Mom's birthday this summer...
To answear a few questions:
mom - the daffodil thing, basically i was only picking the ones that were bent over but an old man stopped on his bike and started yelling - so i dropped the flowers and ran like a bullet
eric - yes... it has come to me making other people do things for birthday presents in order to save money... in fact... i just sent my roommate kate a birthday card that has coupons for my other roommates to buy her drinks...
Cheryl: No pressure, but it's been over a week, your huge audience is waiting eagerly for your next blog. We miss hearing about your adventures only the way you can tell them. By the way it snowed last night. Love from your Dad.
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