As I was saying - Loretta's visit was not complete until tulip fields could be found and photographed. We decided that the best way to see them would be on the way back to Tilburg from Friesland. The only obstacle standing in the way of our bloemen destiny was a severe lack of funds. We had to find a way to tulip fields on less than 10 euros. We made it as far to Leiden central station and immediately saw signs for the Keukenhof. In case you don't know, the Keukenhof is a gigantic exposition of tulip fields and gardens that is a major tourist attraction.

We were thinking it would be nice to go to the Keukenhof, but once we saw that the combo

ticket of bus and admission was 18 euros, we realized that we had

to find another way of realizing our tulip dream. After a brilliant light bulb moment, we found that there was another regional bus that goes on the same route as the special Keukenhof bus, only this bus cost 5 euros instead of 13 like the other bus ride did. Score!!

So we paid our fare, hopped on the bus and made a note to get off at the first sign of tulip fields. And so we did. Once the glorious fields of red, orange, pink, white, purple and yellow were visible, we booted it off of the bus and began the long-awaited tulip stroll.

How can I describe the air? Well, basically you have to imagine the scent of millions of tulips and that's

what it smelled like. The fields we strolled among weren't tourist fields, they were the real deal. Once we saw a particularily colourful looking field, we checked the way left and right and stealthily walked into the farmer's fields. You have to understand, Loretta and I are hardcore. If we want to get pictures of us frollicking in fields of tulips, that's what we'll do. If an angry farmer were to come, we would just run as fast as we could.
Thankfully, our wonderful time in the tulip field was left undisturbed. We were able to capture all the

tulip pictures one could possibly want. As a bonus, we noticed that we were in Lisse, which happens to be the town that my Grandma grew up in! I found it nice to think that maybe some fifty years ago my Grandma had looked at the same fields I was looking at that day.
You certainly take the words "tip-toe through the tulips" seriously. Keep having fun for the rest of us! By the way, last night I had a dream that I was boarding a plane to Holland, wishful thinking on my part!
Thanks for the good read, I love all the pictures!
Aunt Caroline
Hi Cheryl Hoe gaat het. It was so nice to see you in the tulip fields,and being in the town where I was born and went to kindergarten, I was baptist in the Reformed church in Lisse. Isn,t this the nicest part of Holland? You sure have done a lot of travelling in Holland Love all the nice pictures Love You Grandma xxxxxoooooooo
Hi Cheryl: It's 1:35 a.m. and I'm working. It's only 2 weeks and 2 days till Mom and come and see you. Can't wait. Love Dad
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